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What Are The Milestones I Should Look Out For With My Baby?

There is a wealth of information out there on how to keep our little ones healthy as they progress through the years. During a certain time frame, it seems as though there is a lot of conflicting advice.

Developmental milestones are important markers of a child’s development. They indicate whether a child is progressing at the expected rate and provide an indication of their cognitive, physical, and social abilities. It is important for parents and caregivers to be aware of these milestones so they can look out for signs that their child may be lagging behind or developing faster than expected. By understanding developmental milestones, parents and caregivers can ensure that their children are given the right support to reach their full potential.

Below is a brief overview of what to expect:

At 1 month we should see side to side head movement when on front, familiar voices would cause head motion towards the sounds and likes soft touch. They should be supple and move arms and legs.

At 3 months they should be able to raise their head chest when on their stomach, start to grasp toys / shake them, watch faces, turn head towards sounds and start to imitate sounds (typically sounds like babbling). We would start to see smiling and becoming more expressive with face and body.

At 7 months the should begin to roll both ways, sit without support, reach with one hand at a time and support weight through their legs. The will also start to have better distance vision, respond to their own name and respond to emotion.

At 1 year they should be able to crawl, put themselves into a standing position, walk with assistance and stand without support for a short period. We also start to see increasing attention to words and responding to simple verbal cues, they with also start gesturing and start using words.

At 2 years they walk alone, start to run, become more dextrous (scribbling, developing a dominant hand). They will recognize people by face / name, follow simple instruction and use small sentences. They become aware of themselves as separate and start to become more aware of themselves and others.

Professional advice can provide us with clarity and direction, which can be invaluable when in doubt about milestones. If you are unsure about whether your little one is reaching their milestones, or if they seem to be progressing too quickly, we would always recommend seeking the advice of a professional.

 Heal > Adapt > Evolve

Ellie Pennycook

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