New Chiropractic Patients
It’s quite a common complaint we hear that people wake up stiff or achy in the morning. But what contributes to this? And what can you do to help avoid it?
This may sound obvious, but a lot of people don’t realise when they wake up stiff or achy, they need to look at how they felt before they went to bed! After a long day it’s understandable to be a bit stiff and fatigued. A full night’s rest should help with this. Though if it doesn’t, consider what we’ll discuss below…
A pre sleep routine can not only be a great way to help you nod off, but also wake up more refreshed! Consider cutting out artificial light at least 2 hours before bed. If you are not able to do this, invest in a pair of blue light blockers. Blue light stimulates the brain to release chemicals into our body which wake us up (blue light is most present during daylight… but it’s also in a high concentration through your phone or TV screen).
30 minutes before bed, add in 10-15 minutes of stretching. This can relax the muscles of your body and help you unwind. It’s also a great tool to help the body feel less stiff / achy. If you can reduce the stress in your body before sleep, it’s more likely to wake up feeling good. Heat is another great tool to allow your body to start winding down. A hot bath or shower can also be a great tool to induce a relaxed state.
Our bodies recover MASSIVELY during sleep. So creating the best environment to get a proper night’s sleep is important. Aim for 7-9 hours in total and think bat cave. That is to say, your room should be dark and cold. Some people are more light sensitive than others. If this sounds like you, consider a pair of blackout blinds or an eye mask to ensure the darkest room possible.
There are plenty of free apps that allow you to record any noises you make when you sleep. This can be a great tool if you are snoring without realising. Nasal breathing is best, and to promote this, you can try nasal strips or mouth tape. Often, individuals who do snore will wake up more refreshed and hydrated from using one (or both) of these methods.
So there you have it, the best way to wake up in the morning without those aches or pains and stiffness is to focus on optimising your pre bed routine and sleep itself.
Heal > Adapt > Evolve