New Chiropractic Patients
Migraines or headaches are an all too familiar pain for many of us. No matter what kind of headache you have, it can very quickly disrupt your whole day, or even longer. Both headaches and migraines can affect the enjoyment you get from time with your friends and family, your hobbies and at work. Most migraines or headaches have a mechanical cause, but it’s always worth getting checked by your GP for any unusual or persistent issues.
Take Some Strain Off Your Neck Muscles
Lay down on your front on the floor or on your bed and prop your upper body up, by resting on your forearms
You want to support yourself upwards whilst not pushing, or straining, just hold yourself still
This position helps create the correct curve in your neck
In this position, look up and down, rotate left and right, side to side (ear to shoulder) and forwards and backwards (head approaching and moving away from the floor… like a pigeon)
You can stay here while it’s comfortable, but aim for at least one minute
Hydration varies hugely depending on many different factors, including your body size, activity level, climate and gender. Here in the U.K. the majority of us will need 2-3 litres of water per day, to stay properly hydrated. Add on an extra litre for each hour of exercise we perform.
Luckily nature has worked out a clever system, if you’re thirsty… then have some water! Satisfy thirst before going for caffeinated drinks/ food.
Remember some foods do contain a lot of water which can contribute to your hydration. Foods also have varying levels of salt and/ or potassium which affects hydration levels.
Take a Look Into Your Sleep Pattern
Sleep is fundamental to life and is a biological necessity. Sleep detriments can sometimes be the cause or an aggravating factor to resultant migraines or headaches.
Taking a 30-minute power nap can bring some relief but try to regularly get more continuous, quality sleep with an early night. Studies have suggested that the optimal amount of sleep is 7-9 hours. Start to prioritise getting enough, quality, sleep and it will do more than just make you feel less tired!
Take Some Time Away From Your Phone
Scheduling time away from the constant temptation of your phone is important. You can simply put your phone out of reach or schedule time where you only allow certain calls or notifications in the hour before bed. Setting this on your phone helps avoid the temptation to pick up your phone when it buzzes with a notification.
To set these Downtime limits, go to Settings > Screen Time > Downtime
Heal > Adapt > Evolve