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Tips to Increase Flexibility and Mobility

What is a stretch, and why stretch? How long should I stretch for? Am I doing it right? Stretching doesn’t seem to be making me more stretchy or mobile…these are comments we regularly hear! Let’s discuss some of the main considerations when it comes to flexibility and mobility.

It is useful to understand the difference between flexibility and mobility.

Flexibility is how far a joint can move, whilst mobility is how far you can control the movement of the joint. Flexibility will usually encompass a slightly larger range of movement than mobility, and flexibility will typically be around one joint, whereas mobility will encompass several joints.

Now that’s the difference, here’s how to work on them.

The three easiest ways to increase your flexibility are to use your breath, work the opposing muscle and have a helping hand with a partner (PNF – proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation).

First, try taking deep breaths into the stretch you are holding. Relax your body, which we know can be difficult, and then, as you breath out, feel your body sink slightly deeper into the stretch. Doing this really can help all your stretches become so much more effective.

Sometimes, muscles can become protectively tight. So, stretching them won’t produce the desired result. Try activating the muscle on the opposite side before stretching. For example, before stretching your hip flexors, try activating the glutes with some glute bridges. This can allow you to take the stretches deeper.

When you feel like you’ve reached the furthest you can in a stretch, hold for 10-30 seconds. Have a friend resist you pushing out of the stretch for 2-10 seconds, then increase the stretch – you will be able stretch even a bit further. Relax into this. You can repeat 2 or 3 times. Be careful, you should not be in pain and do not go beyond what your body is capable of.

One of the keys to greater mobility is locking it in at the right time. If you spend 15 minutes stretching, and then go and just sit down… chances are you may have increased your flexibility, but now your body won’t be able to use it well. You develop an increased range of motion but one that you can’t control – a serious potential for injury!

After stretching always load the joint, using movement, to be able to control your range of motion. This can be as simple as doing some lunges or squats after stretching your hip flexors.

Heal > Adapt > Evolve

Ellie Pennycook

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