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Setting Good Habits For Working From Home

Struggling to work well from the sofa?  Not as productive working from home? Working from home can create all kinds of difficulties. This week we are sharing some top tips for how we set ourselves up to be our best to when working from home.

It’s no surprise that 2020 has seen a massive shift from office working to home offices.  More and more of us are having to adapt to the remote work model, whether we like it or not.  This global shift has seen some of us stuck at our kitchen table working for months and months as the supply for home office furniture cannot keep up with the demand. 

As more of us are swapping our office space for our home set, here are our top tips to help look after your body and mind, whether you are in your home office or kitchen table. 

Have A Morning Routine 

If you were traveling to the office, you would allow yourself time in the morning to get showered and dressed, make yourself breakfast or tea/ coffee and commute to work.  Yet a lot of us are ditching this routine meaning we are rolling out of bed and immediately at the laptop.  Whatever your normal morning ritual, stick to it! Get up and get dressed. Give yourself time to have breakfast away from your laptop.  Why not switch your morning commute time for a walk.  

Have A Dedicated Work Space

Have you gone from an ergonomic work chair, desk and monitor to working from your laptop on your kitchen table or even worse… your sofa?  There are many reasons that working from the sofa or kitchen table seem fine in the moment, but when you add up the time you spent slouched over it can cause some issues.  Also, creating a dedicated environment creates a boundary. Your whole home isn’t turned into an office.  Once your day is done, tidy away your work station and switch off without staring at your work for the rest of the evening. 

Set Time Boundaries

Sitting at your computer for 8hours+ is creating a health pattern for your brain and body.  Try setting a timer every hour to remind you to stand up and move about, even if it’s for 30 seconds.  Why not take any phone calls standing up? Set regular break and take your lunch break away from your desk.

Set Up Your Desk

See our previous blog here for how to Get The Most From Your Home Office.  This can really change the game for setting some good boundaries for working from home!

Ellie Pennycook

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