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How You Can Improve Your Health in 2022

With the new year just around the corner, we wanted to give you some information on how to maximise your health expression in 2022.

There are a few key points to consider when looking at health, we find the four pillars of health to be the best place to start. (You can read about them more in depth in our previous blog here). These are – Nourishment, Sleep, Movement and Mental Well-Being.

Grab a notebook and consider these 4 areas of your life. Are you having enough water and feel sustained with energy throughout the day? Are you getting at least 7 hours sleep per night? How about some form of exercise every day (even if it’s only 10 minutes…)? And do you feel calm, happy or stressed out?

This will give you the starting point. Out of these four pillars, select no more than one habit to change in each section. Pro tip – think about the 80/20 rule. Find the thing which requires 20% of the effort… but gets you 80% of the way there. For example, drinking an extra glass of water when you wake up is very easy and can have a massive impact on your health.

Now you have a maximum of four things to implement, which are easy! Make sure you do them. Every day. The compound effect pays back massively over time. A simple illustration for this is how much impact being 1% better is.

In the short term, this may seem insignificant (like picking four simple, easy to achieve tasks to do every day over the next year). Though when we look at this over a 365 day year, being 1% better every day results in being 37.78% better. Whereas getting worse by 1% every day, results in being only 3% worse.

This simple sum can provide the power we need to take action. Don’t be too upset with yourself if one day doesn’t go to plan (one step back isn’t as impactful as one step forward). Keep the vision of the 37.78%.

Heal > Adapt > Evolve

Ellie Pennycook

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