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How To Make This Your Healthiest Summer Yet

As summer approaches, it can be easy to set yourself some health goals.  Health goals are a fantastic way to look after and improve different aspects of your mind, body, and lifestyle.  However, make sure these goals are going to help you in the long term too.

How should you set your health goals?

Be realistic with your goals. It’s okay to have a big overriding goal but, to actually reach that goal, try splitting this one big goal up into several smaller, and more manageable goals. Having a long list of micro-goals to choose from, rather than the one big all-or-nothing resolution, can be beneficial for your overall wellness. You benefit both in how you feel by achieving these micro goals and in the satisfaction of undertaking and then getting the bigger goal completed!

Be flexible with your goals. Knowing how the world can up-turn your goal in the blink of an eye, it’s key to remember that you can move on from the micro-goal, put it on pause, readjust and then always come back to it, when the time is right!

Feed your body with nutrient dense food!

Make mindful decisions. The food we decide to eat is the fuel we power ourselves with, and this truly does influence our health; for good and bad. Following a wholefood diet, cooking with fresh ingredients, using a wide variety of vegetables and eating healthy fats, will serve you well! Why not start with small steps, like adding in a few more vegetables or fruits to your meals, and just focus on filling your meals with plenty of nourishing ingredients.  Aim to be a healthy eater, and by making some positive changes in what you decide to eat each day, is a really great way to kick-start your best you.

Heal > Adapt > Evolve

Ellie Pennycook

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