New Chiropractic Patients
As 2022 kicks off, you won’t be alone in being tempted to start a new habit, change a current habit or get rid of an old habit. Changing habits can be hard to do, which is why people usually wait to attack their new start with a clear refresh: out with the old, in with a whole new year!
Here are our top tips to creating health goals and changes in your habits to get your 2022 off to a great start!
As tempting as the 30-day challenges and fad diets may be, they are not the answer. Don’t be tempted by the thought of achieving your goal quicker, this simply doesn’t work. Even if the new actions, or habits, do get you a few steps in the right direction, they are unsustainable in trying to achieve the long term goals, and will not produce long lasting results! When the time frame is up and you have inevitably not achieved your goal, it creates doubt and you question your ability to actually, ever, achieve your goal, meaning you will be far less likely to attempt anything to better yourself again.
As with most things in life, if you have someone else to hold you accountable, you will more likely stick to the plan. Having a partner working towards their goal with them, people are less likely to quit as they really don’t want to let someone down. The key thing here, is to make sure you have a partner who wants to achieve the goal too. If you are spending too much time having to motivate others, it will not be motivating for you! Work towards the same goal as a team.
Remember, your goal is a process, and all processes involve time. If the outcome was immediate, you wouldn’t have to plan for it and you most likely would have achieved it by now. Our habits are ingrained in us, so to change these undesirable habits we need to make small changes, consistently repeating these new habits and not to yo-yo back and forth.
Our mind is our most powerful tool; our thoughts directly impact our actions. The likelihood is that if you believe and focus on a positive outcome from your goal, you will be drawn towards that. Remind yourself of all the positive aspects you will gain once you achieve your goal!
First thing first, do something positive towards your goal the moment you wake up! This will set the tone for your day and focus your attention and actions in line with what else you are doing to achieve your goal!
By using small sub goals throughout the process, you can objectively judge if you are on track. This will help to keep your actions consistent and heading in the right direction. Willpower and motivation may deplete and waver but the habits you build will stand strong.
Heal > Adapt > Evolve