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When summer holidays come around, camping can be a great activity with friends and family. We all know the physicality, all the lifting, carrying, bending and stretching on a camp can be tough on our bodies!
Pain and discomfort in our bodies can make us second guess or doubt whether we should go camping, so try these tips to help!
Whether it’s back pain that you have been living with for some time, or a first-time occurrence, try these tips to help your camping trip go smoothly! And, most definitely, don’t try to sit on the ground without any support for your body!
The classic camping soft canvas chairs are not supportive, so avoid them! Even if they feel comfortable to sit in, it’s often the getting out of them that can cause more issues or heighten any pain. Keep moving around, try not to spend too long sat in one position.
Avoid packing and unpacking the car and camping equipment. Be on light duties and make sure not to do too much repetitive bending and when you do, remember to bend your knees when you bend down to the floor.
Don’t wear a big heavy backpack! If a backpack is vital, pack one with a supportive waist strap and wide straps for your shoulders.
For hiking or walking, wear supportive walking boots that support your ankles. A lot of people find walking sticks or poles can help them cope with uneven ground, keeping balance, and any sudden movements that may have to be made due to the walking surface underfoot.
Keep your walks short and regular. Even if you are feeling well, be mindful that you will have to be able to get back to camp! Don’t push yourself too far and finish feeling you were able to have gone on further.
Lastly, if you are really struggling, camping may not be the holiday for you this time. Alternatively, you could find a cabin or rent a room where you would sleep more comfortably and be in less pain.
Just because you are away from your regular environment and routine, don’t forget what you may usually need to help with the pain. You may need your ice packs, heat gel or painkillers.
Heal > Adapt > Evolve